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Casting and Bracing Stories

Dr. Doom's Titanium Knees
14 hits last week
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Stephanie is told by her doctor that both knees need to be replaced, she reminices about her childhood leg cast.

Last Updated 10/25/2004 (5 pages, Non-fiction)

47 hits last week
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Pauline has scoliosis and goes to the hospital to have a body cast applied.

Last Updated 1/16/2004 (4 pages, Fiction)

A New Beginning
17 hits last week
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Dan is cheating on his wife who then breaks her ankle and gets a SLC. His secret cast fetish complicates his life.

Last Updated 1/4/2004 (17 pages, Fiction)

John & Jodi
18 hits last week
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Jodi breaks her leg and gets an LLC. Her boyfriend John loves the cast, and shows his love with a dinner and evening in bed.

Last Updated 4/4/2003 (3 pages, Fiction)

13 hits last week
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"I opened the door to reveal a grinning Tracy, supporting herself on a pair of crutches with a full-length cast on her left leg. My mouth dropped open, and I just stood there staring at her."

Last Updated 10/27/2002 (8 pages, Fiction)

Colorado Break
20 hits last week
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The story now has taken a change in chapter 13! The casts are now very different. Updated March 24th, 2003

Last Updated 5/9/2002 (15 pages, Fiction)

70 hits last week
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Becky breaks her legs and her arms, she goes from the hospital back to her home and gets help from her boyfriend with her casts.

Last Updated 4/24/2002 (32 pages, Fiction)

Casting Call Part 3
36 hits last week
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A man gets fully casted by a doctor as part of a test case for some brace makers.

Last Updated 4/13/2002 (9 pages, Fiction)

Casting Call
20 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
A man gets fully casted by a doctor as part of a test case for some brace makers.

Last Updated 4/13/2002 (6 pages, Fiction)

My First Broken Ankle
20 hits last week
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This is a girl who is in her teens who broke her ankle and it is her first broken bone

Last Updated 12/17/2001 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

Casting Call Part 2
26 hits last week
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A man gets fully casted by a doctor as part of a test case for some brace makers.

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (11 pages, Fiction)

The Chair Part 3: Unexpected Results
29 hits last week
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The Magic Chair

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (11 pages, Fiction)

16 hits last week
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An interview with Roxanne T. Mueller

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (1 pages, Non-fiction)

Another Cast Story
10 hits last week
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A man, a girl, and a broken ankle.And he has a cast fetish :)

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (1 pages, Fiction)

Lisa, my dear
24 hits last week
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An story about the application of a full body cast onto a beautiful woman, written as a love letter.

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (3 pages, Fiction)

Julies Accident
12 hits last week
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A car accident results in a broken leg.

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (4 pages, Fiction)

24 hits last week
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How to really get leg braces.(Not suggested)

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (7 pages, Fiction)

Fantasy Part 2
34 hits last week
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A sexual fantasy (Part 2)

Last Updated 12/13/2001 (9 pages, Fiction)

30 hits last week
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An accident gives a wannabe a chance to act out his fantasy

Last Updated 12/11/2001 (4 pages, Fiction)

Isabele part 2
19 hits last week
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Recreational Casters: Caught by a friend

Last Updated 12/11/2001 (13 pages, Fiction)

Diary of a Hospital Stay
14 hits last week
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Excerpt from a book called Coping with a Hospital Stay.

Last Updated 12/11/2001 (11 pages, Non-fiction)

30 hits last week
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A heart-wrenching account of love

Last Updated 12/11/2001 (11 pages, Fiction)

Karen's Conspiracy
49 hits last week
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Karen tricks her boyfriend with some serious casting.

Last Updated 11/27/2001 (20 pages, Fiction)

Nancy Wanted an AFO
16 hits last week
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A casters experience with a woman not wanting a cast.

Last Updated 11/18/2001 (4 pages, Fiction)

12 hits last week
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How two real casts can get you a beautiful nurse who loves casts too!

Last Updated 11/18/2001 (5 pages, Fiction)

Bodycast's Story
34 hits last week
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The life of a fellow caster, quite inspirational!

Last Updated 11/18/2001 (7 pages, Fiction)

The Accident - Alternate Ending
11 hits last week
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Bethany and Embers adventures in casts and braces. (Alternate ending)

Last Updated 11/18/2001 (6 pages, Fiction)

11 hits last week
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A real-life gimpette shares some real-life crutching tips. Quite useful.

Last Updated 11/15/2001 (4 pages, Fiction)

Audrey - Dinner
11 hits last week
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"I stepped through and followed her as she limped across the carpeted hallway to the cloakroom. My eye took in every detail. She was wearing another unflattering long skirt and a cardigan that was practical.

Last Updated 11/15/2001 (6 pages, Fiction)

Paperback Romance Interview
6 hits last week
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An interview with the cast technician for the movie Paperback Romance!

Last Updated 6/3/2001 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

Audrey - Shopping
11 hits last week
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Part 2 - "I stepped through and followed her as she limped across the carpeted hallway to the cloakroom. My eye took in every detail. She was wearing another unflattering long skirt and a cardigan that was practical.

Last Updated 3/26/2000 (6 pages, Non-fiction)

12 hits last week
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"Each time the young woman transferred her weight to her callipered leg the T strap was pulled tight against the steel bar holding her foot rigid. By now I was a few steps behind her and I was busy thinking of ways to gain her attention."

Last Updated 12/27/1999 (4 pages, Fiction)

The Accident
15 hits last week
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Bethany and Ember's adventures in casts and braces

Last Updated 12/11/1999 (11 pages, Fiction)

The Accident Part 2
14 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
Bethany and Embers adventures in casts and braces

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (4 pages, Fiction)

Kim and Scott
25 hits last week
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A couple has one of the most wonderful casting adventures possible.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (22 pages, Fiction)

19 hits last week
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Angelas 1 1/2 hip spica.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (5 pages, Fiction)

The Writer
15 hits last week
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How to get any kind of cast you want. Starting with a shoulder spica.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (12 pages, Fiction)

The Accident Part 4
20 hits last week
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Bethany and Embers adventures in casts and braces

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (5 pages, Fiction)

Xuxa's Dejanews article
9 hits last week
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Post by some guy about Xuxas cast, has a MIME message with a picture but I was unable to decode it

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

The Bank
15 hits last week
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Love letter to a woman in leg braces.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

ArmCast's First Adventure
15 hits last week
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My first public adventure in a cam walker.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (5 pages, Non-fiction)

The Accident Part 3
11 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
Bethany and Embers adventures in casts and braces.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (5 pages, Fiction)

The Accident Part 5
11 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
Bethany and Embers adventures in casts and braces.

Last Updated 12/1/1999 (11 pages, Fiction)

The First Time (2girls11)
12 hits last week
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Sarah and Debbie go off to collage together and get thier first chance at recreational casting

Last Updated 8/29/1999 (6 pages, Fiction)

DejaNews Article
11 hits last week
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An outsiders analysis of the cast fetish and its possible origin.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (1 pages, Reference)

10 hits last week
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About a female with a short leg and her boyfriend who loves it. No casting.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (2 pages, Fiction)

Fractoman's Story
12 hits last week
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An ircers story of his neighbors cast and his early love of casts.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

Miss Porter
10 hits last week
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A new employee meets his gorgeous, leg-brace wearing boss. Some guys have all the luck.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (3 pages, Fiction)

11 hits last week
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A fathers recollection of his daughters scoliosis surgery. No casting.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (5 pages, Non-fiction)

Bill's Castees
13 hits last week
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Bills less than difficult trials and tribulations in getting women into a cast.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (12 pages, Fiction)

My Wish
19 hits last week
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The psychologist we all wish we had.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (5 pages, Fiction)

Scoliosis and your Family
11 hits last week
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A long and detailed journal of a families experience with scoliosis and the surgery performed.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (9 pages, Non-fiction)

Cast Covers Review
9 hits last week
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The editor of BioMechanics Magazine gets the professionals to rate cast covers.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (3 pages, Reference)

Crutching Tips
11 hits last week
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Tips from a former crutch user on what and what not to do.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (3 pages, Reference)

Casts & Splints: General Info
11 hits last week
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Cast-care tips from the medical professionals, including dos and donts.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (3 pages, Reference)

UCLA Crutching Handout
10 hits last week
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A real-life gimpette shares some real-life crutching tips. Quite useful.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (1 pages, Reference)

31 hits last week
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A somewhat choppy tale of Caroine's car accident and her subsequent treatment.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (11 pages, Fiction)

Cast Into Bondage
9 hits last week
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Thomas teases Angela with a promise, then follows through in such a fine way!

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (3 pages, Fiction)

The Neighbor
9 hits last week
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A man catches his wife Kelly with Stacy who has a broken arm. Light casting content. Explicit sexual content

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (7 pages, Fiction)

PSI's Story
10 hits last week
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An ircer's account of his first casting done on his wife and subsequent castings by both.

Last Updated 8/29/1998 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

27 hits last week
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Cindy tries on her friends leg braces and they go out on the town.

Last Updated 5/27/1998 (4 pages, Fiction)

Cast into Bondage Part 2
20 hits last week
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Thomas makes good on his promise to Angela, and in such a fine way!

Last Updated 4/28/1998 (21 pages, Fiction)

Sara's Cast
27 hits last week
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Saras friend loves her new cast.

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (2 pages, Fiction)

Real Fiction
17 hits last week
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Leg braces and cross dressing, getting the most out of life.

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (7 pages, Fiction)

Discovery 2
16 hits last week
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A rich guy and a braced beauty fall in love.

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (7 pages, Fiction)

Life with Legg Perthes
13 hits last week
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Living with Legg Perthes Disease

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (5 pages, Non-fiction)

The Dressing Room
41 hits last week
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Sometimes a wish for a spinal brace gets out of control.

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (7 pages, Fiction)

The New House
16 hits last week
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My my, look what the last owners left in the closet, leg braces!.

Last Updated 4/25/1998 (3 pages, Fiction)

Halloween Adventure
16 hits last week
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Casting with a twist, just add witchery for fun!

Last Updated 10/31/1997 (11 pages, Fiction)

The Captured Intruder
12 hits last week
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Unique story and poem about what to do when someone breaks into your house!

Last Updated 10/29/1997 (7 pages, Fiction)

Apartment 88
10 hits last week
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What to do with a crate of plaster and an empty apartment.

Last Updated 10/4/1997 (7 pages, Fiction)

VR Orthos
26 hits last week
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V.R. Orthos Recreational Orthopedics Resort

Last Updated 9/7/1997 (33 pages, Fiction)

Tears in my Champagne
49 hits last week
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An woman describes living in a hip spica.

Last Updated 9/1/1997 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

Cari & Candi
11 hits last week
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Twins have fun with a leg brace adventure

Last Updated 8/29/1997 (6 pages, Fiction)

Amy's Dreams
19 hits last week
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What to do when two casters fall in love :)

Last Updated 8/1/1997 (24 pages, Fiction)

Our Life with Braces
22 hits last week
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A family's recovery after a car accident

Last Updated 6/26/1997 (12 pages, Non-fiction)

40 hits last week
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Great story about two broken arms!

Last Updated 6/7/1997 (18 pages, Fiction)

Colin 1
12 hits last week
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Colins Story about the beach!

Last Updated 6/1/1997 (5 pages, Fiction)

14 hits last week
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Shevis life with Perthes Disease.

Last Updated 6/1/1997 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

26 hits last week
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Norma's 2llc story

Last Updated 6/1/1997 (7 pages, Fiction)

Cast Jealousy
21 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
Do you wish your boss loved casts?This would be a dream come true!

Last Updated 5/1/1997 (14 pages, Fiction)

Fantasy Part 1
59 hits last week
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A sexual fantasy (Part 1) Explicit sexual content

Last Updated 4/10/1997 (5 pages, Fiction)

Blossoming Love
15 hits last week
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Story about a cast, a fetish, and a sprained ankle.

Last Updated 4/8/1997 (17 pages, Fiction)

Cecile's Life Story
11 hits last week
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Life with Scoliosis

Last Updated 3/31/1997 (24 pages, Non-fiction)

The Image
11 hits last week
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One mans journey into a lifetime of recreational bracing.

Last Updated 3/13/1997 (12 pages, Non-fiction)

The Plaster Cast as Sculpture
13 hits last week
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The Plaster Cast as Sculpture

Last Updated 3/12/1997 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

99 hits last week
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Great story about a casting experience gone bad.

Last Updated 3/10/1997 (10 pages, Fiction)

Plaster Part 1
71 hits last week
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An Orhthopedic Surgeon finds his perfect woman

Last Updated 3/10/1997 (7 pages, Fiction)

Plaster Part 2
48 hits last week
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Part 2

Last Updated 3/10/1997 (10 pages, Fiction)

My Bracing Experience
11 hits last week
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A womans experiences with scolosis as a teenager.

Last Updated 3/10/1997 (3 pages, Non-fiction)

Dirty Little Story
34 hits last week
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A Womans devotion to her husband

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (5 pages, Fiction)

Calipers on the Train
22 hits last week
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Recreational leg brace users train trip

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (22 pages, Fiction)

The Trip
18 hits last week
[ Read Story ]
A mans adventure with leg braces.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (6 pages, Fiction)

The Chair Part 1
27 hits last week
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The story of a cursed wheelchair.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (10 pages, Fiction)

Isabele's Chair
14 hits last week
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A wheelchair pretender meets a real wheelchair user and gets found-out.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (9 pages, Fiction)

The Chair Part 2
24 hits last week
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Great story about a pair of cursed AFOs.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (6 pages, Fiction)

The Reality of Dreams
13 hits last week
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Wheelchair lovers night out.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (5 pages, Fiction)

Personal Ad #1
9 hits last week
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This file was sent to me via E-Mail in response to an ad I placed.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (5 pages, Non-fiction)

40 hits last week
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"The day had finally arrived. I called the brace shop several days ago and told the orthotist flatly that I wanted a pair of legbraces made to fit me, and that there was nothing wrong with my legs, I just want them because I like them.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (3 pages, Fiction)

The Brace
14 hits last week
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The description of a man getting a new neck brace, describes the whole process.

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (5 pages, Fiction)

A Day with Gretchen
15 hits last week
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Youthful Rememberance

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (2 pages, Non-fiction)

The Cast
15 hits last week
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A strange story about a man being put into a dual hip spica cast by a handicaped woman, incomplete : (

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (15 pages, Fiction)

A New Hobby
15 hits last week
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Its never too late for a new hobby

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (1 pages, Fiction)

The Client
16 hits last week
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Two lovebirds

Last Updated 12/15/1996 (3 pages, Fiction)

Lynn's Leg
33 hits last week
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Awesome story, might be from NurseSindy, well worth the read.

Last Updated 12/6/1996 (59 pages, Fiction)

A letter from Gillian
24 hits last week
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Life with Polio braces

Last Updated 10/10/1996 (3 pages, Non-fiction)

Donna's Spring Break
15 hits last week
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Cool Story about two casters, Thanks to Sammy!

Last Updated 8/29/1996 (8 pages, Fiction)